A fantastic opportunity for any puppeteers I thought I should pass this on, good luck to anyone who goes for it! (we managed to see it in April and it is just terrific)
*Lincoln Center Theater is SEEKING PUPPETEERS for its upcoming production of WAR HORSE*, which it will produce at the Vivian Beaumont Theater in New York with The National Theatre of Great Britain, whose critically acclaimed production has been running in London to great success.
The puppets and puppetry in War Horse are created by the Handspring Puppet Company of South Africa. The puppets, which are hand made from wood, cane and aluminum, require strong, versatile performers with an open mind. Handspring's mechanisms have been developed over 25 years of puppet design, drawing on traditional African, Japanese and German mechanisms, and puppeteers will* not* be expected to have specific experience with these puppets. The puppets are substantial and are operated by three performers thinking, breathing and improvising together; the aesthetic of the puppet performance is one of understatement and observation of genuine animal behaviour. The puppeteers will need to be good actors and versatile stage performers with experience of working in an ensemble and with adult audiences. They will have to be dedicated puppeteers with an emphasis on subtlety and fine detail. A high level of physical fitness, endurance and strength is essential for these roles.
Please send picture and resume and/or bio. In addition to your professional experience, please make sure to list/describe all training. Also, please note your height, note if you speak any French or German (this is* not* a requirement, but useful information) and if you have any proficiency with specific musical instruments (again,* not* a requirement).
Information should be sent to:
*War Horse Casting*
*Lincoln Center Theater*
*150 W. 65th Street*
*New York, NY 10023*
Or emailed to: warhorsecasting@lct.org
War Horse is based on a novel by Michael Morpurgo, Adapted by Nick Stafford Directed by Marianne Elliott and Tom Morris
Performers are employed under an Actors Equity Association LORT A+ contract.
Rehearsals: 1/20/2011 (approx)
Previews: 3/17/2011
Opens: 4/14/2011
John Stuart Mill Caricature
2 weeks ago
Looks wonderful!